Thursday, December 5, 2019

Recognition Mental Happiness of Responsibility

Question: Discuss about the Recognition Mental Happiness of Responsibility. Answer: Introduction: Dream cannot overwhelm a person but a reality can. This is something I have learnt after a morning that ended up, after having one of the satisfying dreams I could ever have. Staying away from home for a long time and being unable to meet with own parents even in the time of New Year cannot possibly replace any other grief in the world. It is my recognition that mental happiness and the accomplishment of responsibility cannot merge in a way that is desired by us all the time. The particular recognition is something that I am going to make account about in the following. With a profound account about my unfortunate experience, I desire to indicate the inevitable truth, which is we cannot pursue our dream due to the harsh reality of truth and the burden of responsibilities. Therefore, I believe my present narrative is about the lesson I learnt about life and reality. I can still remember the day when I was in Canada. My Father called me one afternoon and left me in utter grief. It was time for Chinese New Year and there was no chance of my arrival to my hometown and celebrate the New Year with my family. The gloomy face of my Mother and Father were clear in front of me, as I informed them that I could not make to visit home that year. My Father told me that my Mother and he missed me so much and wanted me to visit home and meet them. I could not express my feelings and my wish to visit my parents that year because it had been a long time that we were communicating only over phone calls and did not them. I made up my mind that no matter what, I had to visit my own town this New Year. Any how I managed to grab the last ticket available at the air counter and straight way managed to go to China. I was carrying all my dreams to visit my sweet home and celebrate my New Year with my own family. I had bought so many gifts for my mother and father and also for the little Lui. I knew Lui will not be little anymore and will be a grown up boy. Oh! I miss them all. I did not know how this time will pass and I will and in my own land and will be able to see my home, my people. I had so many plans for the short time of my visit. I just wanted to live the most of my life because I knew that none can replace the happiness that I will get at my home town. I could easily imagine the voice of my father calling my name. My son, we missed you so much, my father said. My mother, as usual from the kitchen, expressed her love and called out, Give me two minutes, Ill just come. I knew she must be busy in making my favorite dishes. I miss the food so much. Regularly having burgers and fast food had made me sick. There was not a single time when I did not crave for my mothers food. My joy could see no limit as I was going to live my life again. My parents, my home, this was my life. I could see the tear in my mothers eyes as she grabbed me with both her hands. I understood that it is more difficult for them to stay without me. All the time in Canada, I though it is me who is carving madly to meet my parents. However, my parents tears and my pets humble welcoming proved me entirely wrong. I wanted to spend all the good time and create good memories to carry with me. Everything was almost same there and it seemed nothing has changed. That visit to my home was almost after a gap of one long year but I could easily related things as if it was just a matter of month that I was away. My Fathers habit of having green tea at least 4 times a day has not changed. Our pet dog, he did recognize me. I had not expected that he will because I had to leave for Canada when it was just 2 months old. Crazy animals, they can easily identify you anytime and anywhere. The big house, lawn, the back yard was no refreshing compared to the small room where I had to stay in Canada. I wished the time just stopped and I never have to worry about anything in life. Little did I know that this happiness is short lived? Just with a great shake, I was back to the reality. The alarm clock was never been so cruel in life. The clock does wake me up from the best dream that I ever had. I was awaked with the burden of responsibilities and the expectations that my mother and my father had on me. Yes, all that I was confronted with was just a part of the beautiful dream that made me live my life for once at least. It is unfortunate, shocking as well as so sudden that for a couple of minutes I was not ready to admit that I was not in my bed in China and was in my one room rental in Canada. For the whole day, I had one question in my mind. I was constantly throwing my anguish and question to the deity that was it too impossible to wake me up or realize that not all that I had been confronted with was real. Crave for visiting my parents in the New Year lead me to this dream. No wonder, I had to move back to my regular activities of life only here in Canada, far away from China. It was literally hard me for the entire day to go back to my study and other responsibilities, which were part of my daily life in Canada. No shame but to share that I cried like a kid although I did not let my parents to know about it. However, this is long time back. I had visited my home recently and did everything that I dreamt-of. All I am waiting for the time when I will be again with my mother and father happily living together. Conclusion: My above narrative has not been a mere attempt to present my condition as a melancholic situation. I do lament for returning to my home and want to live all my memories those I have left behind a long time ago. The reality, of which I have made the above account, has taught me a cruel yet true lesson of life. The above account is indicative of the truth that sometimes it is our responsibilities that block all the ways to live our live in the simplest way we desire or it can be said that it is the burden of our responsibility that devastates our dreams. The last thing I do wish to say in the context of the above situation that we never think of leaving our parents or making them unsatisfied. The individual like me, who has a immense pressure of responsibilities, always has to prioritize our responsibilities first, even if it devastates our small pieces of happiness. Nevertheless, I believe dreams would not be too vague in future, that I would not be able to merge them with my reality.

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